Our point of view
The Christian Essenian Church emphasizes the respectful treatment of our fellow human beings and our own freedom. We believe that all people are members of one great mankind family. This has the highest priority.

The Christian Essenian Church emphasizes the respectful treatment of our fellow human beings and our own freedom. We believe that all people are members of one great mankind family. This has the highest priority.
We believe that any relationship is a method of learning for the souls. From our perspective, a partnership is therefore a joint learning of the partners who form this partnership. The life path that two or more people walk together can be limited in time by a moment, but also by many years. Therefore, we consider the split of the partnership back into the separate life paths as a natural part of learning.
The Christian Essenian Church emphasizes the freedom of the individual. Therefore, the Christian Essenian Church has no members other than priests and bishops. Only a priest can become a member of the Christian Essenian Church. Therefore, participation in our Devine Services, Baptisms and Sacraments does not create any obligations towards the Christian Essenian Church. The only obligation is responsibility towards yourself and your daily life.
We believe that Jesus received the necessary education at the ancient School of Essenians on Mount Carmel in Israel, where he met his first wife, Myriam. We also believe that Jesus married Mary Magdalene. We belive that Mary Magdalene was a widow of his brother James, who was stoned to death and Jesus married her in accordance with ancient Jewish habits. We believe that Jesus had several descendants with Mary Magdalene, whose direct bloodline continues to this day in some European royal families.
The Christian Essenian Church is the state-registered church in Czech Republic. The Czech entity of Christian Essenian Church was registered in 2023. Among other procedures mandated by the Czech Republic, the Essene Christian Church underwent a judicial examination to determine whether it shows signs of a sect or other community restricting people's rights as part of the state registration. The Essene Christian Church is therefore a legitimately registered church in the Czech Republic. In 2004, the Spanish church entity - Iglesia Christiana Esenia - received state recognition in Spain and a state-recognized church entity operates on Spanish territory.
We perceive human life as a continuous learning process of the soul. We therefore believe in the cycle of re-births of the soul into the human body. We do not mean the resurrection of a dead human body, but in the reincarnation of the soul, which has the opportunity to develop, learn and grow. In the Christian Essenian Church, we perceive karma as a balance of the experiences gained by the soul thoughtout the human life. We believe that each person can actively influence the experiences and their balance through their own way of life. From our point of view, karma is therefore not an irreversible fate, but the establishment of a perfect balance in the experiences that the soul has experienced in previous incarnations.
We consider Jesus as one of the most important persons in both - world and religious history. We believe that Jesus, as the Highest Priest of Israel, came from one of the three tribes of Israel - from the tribe of the Nazoreanes (not from Nazareth). Therefore, he was called a Jesus of Nazorea (from the tribe of the Nazoreanes). We believe that people and members of spiritual communities that prepared everything necessary for Jesus' arrival had an Essenian background. We therefore believe that Jesus was given an Essenian training and education and was himself an Essene Grand Master. We believe that Jesus lived with his family in Egypt until he was 12 years old.
We believe that Jesus was the holder of the creative energy called "Christ", which is why we know him by the name Jesus Christ.
The integral essence of our faith is freedom of each individual , which goes hand in hand with personal responsibility. In the Christian Essenian Church, we perceive homosexuality as a natural part of partner life.
Despite the current trend of advanced methods of empirical scientific progress, we believe that the existence of God cannot be scientifically proven. Bringing the material evidence of the existence of God is therefore not our aim. However, we believe that many mystical dogmas and rituals shrouded in mystery can be rationally explained and thus expand the consciousness of believers.
In the Christian Essenian Church, we see Divine Service as a celebration of God. The integral part of Divine Service is the so-called transfiguration, during which we ask the Father to send into the bread and the grape juice the energy that we call "Love of the God". Our Divine Services have their own formal framework, which can be adjusted by a priest to a certain extent according to current needs. We also celebrate Divine Services at home, in public, in nature, or wherever it is appropriate and decent.
We believe that baptism as a religious ceremony existed long before the Jesus era.
As a Christian Essenian Church we see the baptism as an opportunity to better overcome the life situations we are facing to during our life. From our perspective, baptism is a strengthening and expansion of our own Divine power, to help us overcome the pitfalls of life that we are facing to. You do not become a member of Christian Essenian Church by completing baptism with us.