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Life situations

Our priests live the life that you live. Not in a monastery. We are among you.

In every person's life, there are various situations and moments when we are closer to you then you would ever expected.


Devine services

Serving Divine Services is a central theme of the Essene Christian Church. Some liturgical ceremonies such as baptisms and blessings may be included in our Divine Services. We also call Divine Services “Communion of Love”. Divine Services are an opportunity to receive energy from God, which we call God’s Love, embedded in the material symbols of human sustenance – bread and wine. All people are welcome to Divine Services of the Christian Essenian Church, regardless of creed, religion or social status. During Divine Services, the reception of the bread and the grape vine is offered to all people presented without any distinction.

Blessing of the house

The house or the residency is a symbol of the heavenly dwelling. When entering the dwelling, Jesus used to wish peace to all its inhabitants. The blessing of the house therefore refers to the old Christian traditions. It is usually performed by a priest, but it is also possible for the eldest family member to perform the blessing as well. During the blessing, the  inhabitants are asking the Father for his peace to fill the dwelling. The blessing of the dwelling is usually performed only once, usually when inhabitants are moving-in. However, we also give the blessings of the dwelling on annual basis as part of the ancient Christian Epiphany tradition. The blessing itself should fill the dwelling with vibrations of life and harmonize the energies present in the place.

Anointing and healing

We believe that absolute freedom can only be experienced if a person is healthy in all meaning of the word.

Illnesses are however a part of our life and we believe that they play a very important role in the life of each human being. When a one is sick he discovers how uncertain his life is and how helpless he feels. Therefore, in the Christian Essenian Church, we take the blessing of the ill persons very seriously. The aim of the blessing is to give the ill person hope for recovery. In the Christian Essenian Church, we call the anointing of the ill persons as Theurgic Healing. Through Theurgy, we ask the Father for help where all other help has failed.


We have 3 different types of baptisms in the Christian Essenian Church. By completing baptism, the person does not incur any obligations other than obligations to himself. Baptism is provided by priests and bishops of the Christian Essenian Church. We believe that baptism helps to better develop the potential, so that we can better cope with the challenges of this life. The Baptism of Lighht is the highest type of baptism provided by the Christian Essenian Church. The Baptism of Light is provided exclusively by a bishops of the Christian Essenian Church.

The Baptism of Light provided in the Christian Essenian Church is the equivalent of the medieval anointing called Consolamentum from the times of the Celts and Cathars. Baptism of Light is also known in other faiths as the “Sanctification of the Soul”. By completing Baptism of Light and living a responsible life, the soul of the baptized person is offered the opportunity to break the wheel of karma and step directly towards the completeness of the soul.

Soul care

We live among you and are part of this real world. We have partners, children, families. That is why we know that life can take us on various winding paths. We stand by people's side in practical solutions to their everyday problems. However, we are not coaches nor a mentors. We do not provide confessions either. Soul care means caring when the soul cries - when the soul needs it most. We are people who live in the reality. We understand the daily challenges and suffering that we face as humankind. We are close to you when you need it, respecting your individual freedom.


I Christian Essenian Church we call the marriage, the blessing of a partnership. It is the same happiness for us as it is for those getting married. We are pleased that the partners have decided to walk the journey of life together.

The Christian Essenian Church does not have the legitimacy to sign the marriage granted by the state from the legal point of view. However, from our perspective, we perceive marriage as a spiritual blessing of a partnership that takes place on an energetic level. In Christian Essenian Church, we perceive the marriage as a spiritual blessing to partners on their joint partnership journey. We provide the blessing of a partnership to partners without distinction – including homosexual couples. We do not require completion of “preparations” or “spiritual renewals” before the Partnership blessing takes place. We also consider the possible termination of a partnership in the future as a free decision of the involved partners without any further sanctions or consequences.


Like the early Christians, we believe in rebirth cycles of the spirit called reincarnation. In the Christian Essenian Church, we see a funeral as the farewell of the soul after the soul has completed its journey on the Earth. We see it as an opportunity for the soul to reincarnate again and continue its learning and development process. The purpose of the funeral ceremony is therefore to facilitate the soul's journey into the light and to help to finish the journey of the soul on the Earth. The funeral, or so-called mourning ceremony, also provides hope for the friends and relatives to meet the soul of deceased again in the future. As with other ceremonies, in the case of a funeral, we do not distinguish the religious or ethnic background of the deceased and we do not evaluate the life they lived.